
POLICY: Why you shouldnt be interviewed over the phone…

Apparently in an interview I had with journalist Thomas Day from Medill reports news service which showed up in this article I said:

If you look at California and Blue Cross-Blue Shield, their biggest provider, they came out against the Schwarzenegger bill because it essentially said the same thing [as Democratic proposals],” said Matthew Holt, a San Francisco-based health-care advocate.

What I hope I meant to say was this:

If you look at California and Blue Cross-Blue Shield, their the biggest provider, insurer in the small group market they came out against the Schwarzenegger bill because it essentially said the same thing [as Democratic proposals], such as limiting underwriting in the individual market and limiting the amount of money insurers could make” said Matthew Holt, a San Francisco-based health-care advocate.blogger/consultant/wise-ass

There’s that’s better!

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