The Health 2.0 movement continues to grow and in the north-east it now has a new "chapter"! Mark Modzelewski, from Bang Ventures & Vince Caprio, from NYNBA, are organizing its first networking meeting on January 23rd! The meeting is from 5.30 to 8.30pm on Jan 23 at the Cambridge Marriott.
Indu Subaiya & Matthew Holt will be there along with other familiar names from the Health 2.0 world, there’ll be some brief remarks and a panel Q&A but this is intended to be a networking event. (There’s a small charge to pay for the drinks, but all the money will stay in the chapter to pay for drinks at the next one.) So bring your colleagues working in Health 2.0, Web 2.0 or anywhere else, and sign up on this form!
And of course feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested
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