
Health 2.0 San Diego Spring Fling Agenda

So for Christmas we’re announcing our first cut of the agenda for our next Health 2.0 conference,  to be held at the Westin San Diego on March 3rd-4th. Health 2.0 User-Generated Healthcare in San Francisco sold out a month before the event, so if you are planning on attending you may want to act now to reserve your spot. Early bird registration is now over, but a limited number of spots remain available. To register, visit http://www.health2con.com . For updates on Health 2.0 related news sign up for THCB UPDATE and be sure to check out the Health 2.0 blog. We hope to see you there!

Health2.0 Spring Fling

“Connecting Consumers & Providers”

Last UPDATE: 12.17.07

March 3-4, 2008 | The Westin San Diego, CA

Monday, March 3rd

Health 2.0 Consortium :: 12 to 3pmUnconference :: 2 to 5pmParty :: 6:30 to 9pm

Tuesday, March 4th


  • Matthew Holt/Indu Subaiya MD, Health 2.0
  • Doug Solomon, IDEO on The Optimal User-Experience
  • Susannah Fox, Pew Internet & American Life Project on The Healthcare Internet User

PANEL: The User Experience with Health 2.0: The Consumer Perspective

At the Fall event, we heard from vendors providing social
communities and media for patients. But what about patients who are
using those tools and communities—and the ones who aren’t? What are
their experiences? How do they fit Health2.0 into their lives? And for
those who are new to Health2.0. What works? What helps? And what
doesn’t? Come meet patients and consumers up close, and see them
interact with the tools provided by leading Health 2.0 companies.

The panel will open with a video segment featuring patient
experiences using Health 2.0 communities and tools within the context
of their lives.

Featuring demonstrations and conversations with: The Heron Sanctuary (on Second Life); Health Central; Wego Health; Sprigley; Pharmasurveyor; ReliefInSite & more…

Reactors and commentary from:

  • Matthew Zachary, I’m Too Young For This
  • Eric Langshur, Carepages
  • David Sobel MD, Kaiser Permanente
  • Susannah Fox, Pew Internet & American Life Project
  • Moderating: Amy Tenderich, DiabetesMine

PANEL: Consumers and Providers Connect

Some of the physicians and medical groups who are using Web 2.0 to
connect with their patients will show us how they’re doing it. We’ll
see case studies showing patients’ and physicians’ experiences as they
use technology to transform their practice. And we’ll ask the tough
questions. Does this change the patient experience? And if so, is it an

The panel will open with a video segment featuring patient
experiences using Health 2.0 communities and tools within the context
of their lives.

Demos and feedback throughout the process of care, including:

  • Searching for doctors, choosing them and making appointments
  • Health 2.0 tools in the physician’s office
  • Communicating with the physician
  • Online treatment
  • Information and ongoing support from physicians

Featuring demonstrations and conversations with: Xoova, Healthgrades, Phreesia; Emmi Solutions; Medencentive

Reaction and Commentary from:

  • Jordan Schlain MD, SF Oncall
  • Jay Parkinson MD
  • Enoch Choi MD, PAMF/MedHelp
  • Molly Coye MD, HealthTech*
  • Gio Colella MD, McKesson*
  • Moderating: David Kibbe MD, AAFP & Indu Subaiya MD, Health 2.0

LUNCH EXPERIENCE: Designing Health 2.0

Exercise led by IDEO

At lunch on March 4 we are going to do something very special. In
conjunction with IDEO, the famous design firm, we are going to conduct
a "Designing Health 2.0" lunch. Attendees will work in groups to create
a Health 2.0 solution to specific healthcare-related topics. This
should really get the creative wheels turning, and we think will answer
the strong call from the last conference for more about user-centered

PANEL:  Connecting with health care organizations 2.0

It’s not just patients and physicians interacting in the health care
system. Employers, benefit managers, and health plans are exploring
various means of connecting with members online. We’ll be looking at
real examples of HR professionals, health plan members and ordinary
consumers using new tools and technologies to change their experiences.
We’ll be hearing about uses of the web and automated mobile and voice
solutions to keep consumers healthy and engaged.

Featuring demonstrations and conversations with: Silverlink; Benefit Focus; Virgin Health Miles*; Eliza; VisionTree; BeWell Mobile

Reaction and Commentary from:

  • Joe Gifford MD, Regence
  • Amanda Schwartz, PRN
  • Esther Dyson, EDventure
  • Moderating: Matthew Holt

REACTOR PANEL: Health 2.0: The future user experience?

  • Thomas Goetz, Wired
  • Esther Dyson MD, EDventure
  • David Kibbe MD, AAFP
  • Doug Solomon, IDEO
  • Josh Seidman, Center for Information Therapy
  • Molly Coye MD, HealthTech*
  • Moderating: Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, THINK-Health

CLOSING PANEL: Summary, Wrap, Fall Preview & Cocktails

*- invited.  This agenda is subject to change.

Ok. Register Me!!

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1 reply »

  1. Please let me know if sponsorship packages are still availalbe for the Spring and what the rates are for the Fall conference.