
BLOGS/HEALTH 2.0: The Health 2.0 Blog

Today, with Indu Subaiya my partner in the Health 2.0 Conferences, I am very happy to announce the logical continuation of the increased focus on Health 2.0: The Health 2.0 Blog.

This is a new group blog to which anyone in the Health 2.0 community can contribute, and we hope that it’s going to be a forum for great discussion. We’ll be crosslinking with THCB but hopefully you’ll see the emphasis here move slightly away from all that Health 2.0 stuff. Please head over there to find out more.

And to celebrate we’re having drinks tonight at the Hibernian Lounge, 34 East 4th Street, New York at 6pm.

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1 reply »

  1. Hi Matthew,
    I think i like the concept of a common Health 2.0 blog.
    On a different note, hope you can subsidize/lower the cost of registration for the Health2.0 conference in March in San Diego.
    Maybe you can keep the exhibits section in a separate conference room and the exhibits should be free for the public. That way a lot of folks can attend!
    One of the healthcare informatics areas which is presently immensely fragmented is the Lab Informatics space and comparative information tools about Lab Tests.
    i would like to see some contributions to the blog from individuals/companies focused in providing these tools.
    e.g. do we have a comparison mechanism for what small and independant clinical labs would charge for lab tests associated with an annual physical.
    i recently got my annual physical done and the tests were done by a large lab out there.
    Here are some of the tests and the costs associated
    with the annual physical related tests.
    Test Cost
    Cholestrol $8.00
    Lipoprotein, Direct, HDL $13.00
    Triglycerides $10.00
    CBC, PLT, DIFF $16.00
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel $17.00
    Would like to see whether any of the HealthcareBlog Readers can come up with comparative costs for similar tests out there by small labs. i know for most of us, the cost is covered by the insurance companies and we dont get to see what’s happening in the background. However for consumer direct health plans, this comparative information would indeed be important
    We at Medziva http://www.medziva.com (a startup in Southern California) have a goal to provide Lab Test Comparison Tools for Consumers along with a Free Online Lab Information Delivery System for Labs.
    We’d like a lot of the HealthCareBlog readers to sign up at Medziva and contribute to opinions about the lab tests (which they have been tested for recently or in the past) and ofcourse a lot of the smaller Labs out there to also signup, reaching out to the members.
    The more folks sign up and contribute to groups like us, the more useful information we generate!
    Regards to all of the Health2.0 companies and Healthcare bloggers and let us all innovate to create the best tools to empower consumers.