
CONSUMERS/TECH: Molly and Don write a Gray Paper

So this morning and yesterday afternoon at the Ix Conference I’ve heard some really interesting technology presentations from Silverlink (disclosure Ix and THCB sponsors!) & Eliza, who are both in the voice automated outbound call space. Popped in on Resolution Health, which looks like it’s emerging as a big time competitor to Active Health Management, and saw an interesting lite-weight messaging system for docs to communicate with patients (and vice versa) called CareNav. Then quick look at how Healthways  working with Pro-Change Behavioral Systems is really tailoring (that’s the big Ix word this year!) HRAs—although not all Americans have taken one or even know about HRAs!

Molly Mettler (with Don Kemper) the founders of HealthWise have authored a new “gray” paper  about the boomers. You can Read the Healthwise Gray Paper here.
Molly gives a fun presentation (and has an endless supply of bad West
Virginia jokes)….and Healthwise is getting into tailored web
personalization too.

Craig Stolz gave an interesting presentation on the tribulations of
being a health care journalist—not that I agreed with too much!

Meanwhile Paul Wallace from Kaiser (Charman of Ix Board) now thinks
that a medical office visit is a defect in care. Think about that…Now
we’re going to show the crowd about Health 2.0….


2 replies »

  1. MG,
    That’s a great question. Actually, yes; some of the most innovative current work in Ix revolves around how to engage and motivate the “noncompliant” patient (I use quotes because of the autocratic overtones implied by that term).
    To quote Josh Seidman, Dr. Prochaska “…presented a compelling argument for highly tailored communications to effect positive behavior change, drawing from decades of federal government-sponsored research.”
    Much of the new product development presented at the Ix Conference was focused on meeting people “where they’re at” using multiple modes of communication (telephonic, secure e-mail, text messaging, etc.). There is a lot yet to learn in this regard, but it’s pretty clear that everyone understands it’s not enough just to put information on the Internet and wait for the motivated health consumer to come and use it.
    Hope that answers your question.
    Best of health,

  2. Just wondering but has anyone at the Ix Confernece talked about the flip side of the coin – patients who are either at-risk or already have a chronic disease yet refuse to make the necessary lifestyle modifications and utilize the appropriate medical services?