After a spectacular opening video by Scribe Media on the history and current trends in medicine and health care, Matt and Indu made the introductions. They met and conceived the idea of the Health 2.0 meeting just last December. It’s all come together since then.
This is an international meeting, with representatives from all over the world, and one that has attracted a large of marquis and just emerging sponsors. Not bad, noted Mattthew, for a consultant and a guy who writes a blog while sitting in his pajamas.What the Hell is Health 2.0? – MatthewThe frame for this question is "What the hell is Web 2.0?"
– Personalized search that finds the right answer for the long tail.
– Better presentation of integrated data.
– Communities that capture the accumulated knowledge of patients and caregivers; and clinicians
– Intelligent tools for content delivery.
In health care, transparency and consumerism are important foundations of any effort. In addition, Health 2.0 is a way of linking content with transactions, with more productive results.A Continuum of Health 2.0 – Its Present and PotentialUser generated health care goes toUsers connect to providers, which goes to Partnerships to reform delivery, which goes toData drives discovery.
Finally, Matthew asked the audience who would win the Presidential election.
Hillary Clinton won handily with 35% of the vote.
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It sounds to me like they might be talking about technology that automates biometric data collection (GlucoMON), performs relevant analysis and delivers high-value content in real-time (GlucoDYNAMIX) amongst an extended patient-centric team that includes the patient, caregiver(s), peers and also providers (healthcordia’s diabetes social networks). I think there is also a lead in to a new model of health care extender organization that partners with providers to bridge the patient-technology-provider gap as a way to reform delivery of care away from the provider-centric model (as evidenced by our implementation of regional diabetes extender networks).
Everyone has their own way of labeling things I suppose and that won’t change anytime soon.
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Great start to the conference. The room is packed and there is quite a buzz.