
HEALTH 2.0: It’s a sell out!

I remember first discussing the Health2.0 Conference with my partner Indu Subaiya and saying, "do you think we can get 100 people to come?" Well apparently we misunderestimated ourselves. As of yesterday the Health2.0 Conference has sold out. There’s a waiting list and some final adjustments to be done, but we’re expecting 400 people plus to be there on September 20th.

Thanks to all the speakers, advisory board members, moderators, sponsors, and of course my colleagues Indu, John and Sara, Patrick and Adrienne who have been working their tails off.

If you’re coming we’re really looking forward to seeing you. And if you can’t make this one, we’re already planning the next one in 2008.

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4 replies »

  1. The attendance at this reflects the recognition of the importance of information technology, public and professional awareness, and the impact of social networking blogging. Congratulations!! (blogger since 2002)

  2. Congratulations… I am not able to go since I am in spain and travel is hard for just one day but will be interested in knowing about the result.
    If teher is some marketing, publicity or help to do from Health2.info just say.