
HEALTH2.0: Laura Locke interviews FaceBook CEO

My friend Laura Locke interviewed the FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. I think if I met anyone that successful that young I’d be forced to beat them up on principle. But Laura instead asked some sensible questions about The Future of Facebook.

Given the fast growth in Facebook, it’s probably well worth watching as a kind of slighlty more grown up social network than MySpace, and one that may have implications for health care.

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4 replies »

  1. This ought to be a very lucky day for me. Normally, I had to surf the net for a long while to find the specific details for my small research work. And yet today, I just typed a few words concerning the subject of my work, pushed Enter on the keyboard…and…LOL! Your blog post showed up on the first page. And then, I’m proud to mention that it merely took me a couple of hours to finish my project work; at other times this generally had taken me a whole long day to do so. Really thanks, buddy! I appreciate your work extremely.

  2. Opening up the Facebook platform to developers was a brilliant move by the young CEO. Applications that marry expert technology with an impressive user base creates a breeding ground for new ideas and relevant solutions. Take Nurse Central, the first peer referral network on Facebook. Beyond the application’s slick technological features, the site creates an opportunity to allow nurses across the globe to network and stay connected – in essense, creating a richer pool of nurse professionals within a social utility platform.

  3. Opening up the Facebook platform to developers was a brilliant move by the young CEO. Applications that marry expert technology with an impressive user base creates a breeding ground for new ideas and relevant solutions. Take Nurse Central, the first peer referral network on Facebook. Beyond the application’s slick technological features, the site creates an opportunity to allow nurses across the globe to network and stay connected – in essense, creating a richer pool of nurse professionals within a social utility platform.