
PHYSICIANS: Medicare and the AMA–here we go again

Physician fees would be cut by 9.9 percent in the coming year under a payment plan proposed Monday by Medicare <SNIP> Congress has stepped in to prevent similar cuts in the past, and doctors’ groups are urging lawmakers to intervene once again this year.

Not very likely….

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4 replies »

  1. So Medicare is keeping rates flat instead of cutting them. To my knowledge that makes 5 years in a row in which payments to doctors have been held flat.
    So whats the big deal? Do all of you work at companies where you got a 0% raise over the last 5 years?

  2. Well Stella, docs don’t have to see Medicare patients and therefore won’t have to worry about reduced reimbursements – let freedom ring!

  3. This would never happen in a universal single payer plan run by the government.
    Medicare only does it because of that sonofabitch George Bush.
    Now go out to play.

  4. This would never happen in a universal single payer plan run by the government.
    Medicare only does it because of that sonofabitch George Bush.
    Now go out to play.