We’re pleased to announce that Allscripts president Lee Shaprio will be joining the lineup at Health 2.0 San Francisco. Lee will be participating in the "Health 2.0: Looking ahead" panel along with EdVenture Holding’s Esther Dyson, RevolutionHealth’s Jay Silverstein, RelayHealth’s Bob Katter, Jack Barrette (ex Yahoo Health care Guru) PBGH’s Ted van Glahn, and CommerceNet’s Marty Tennenbaum. If you’ve yet to sign up, alas, we’re sorry – early bird registration is now closed. The regular conference rate now applies. But some discounts are still available for those who are referred from some other select blogs and sources. Registrants from government, foundation, academic and poor non-profit organizations qualify for additional price breaks. And we’re working on a scholarship program for students and individuals.
Again, in case you missed the earlier announcement, the event will now *officially* be held at The Hilton San Francisco, September 20th, 2007. A limited number of reduced rate rooms ($189/night) are available on site at the Hilton. The first block sold out within a day of going on sale. Our friends at the Hilton have kindly arranged to make an additional block available. After those are gone, standard rates will apply. Registrations are going well, and we’ll be announcing some
additional sponsors and a few more high-profile speakers shortly. So
please head over to www.health2con.com to check it out.
Categories: Uncategorized
John. I’m mortified to say that this conference won’t pay anyone for speaking. As we’re poor! When it becomes rich that’ll change and we’ll have Colin Powell on too, and be able to afford your and my usual fees!
I don’t know….. Aren’t you violating Stark law or some FDA policy by not fully disclosing how much this conference will pay you for consulting or speaking? The New York Times will surely editorialize against this conflict of interest and self-dealing!
Just kidding. I’m sure it’ll be great.