
JOB POST: Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of California is a long-established health
care firm which is embarking on a major program to reengineer its core business
and to modernize the technology that supports it. The Legacy Modernization
program will provide the key technology and business processes which are
fundamental to delivering on the firm’s strategies for future growth. Under the
umbrella of the LM project, there, are a number of critical business
opportunities which have become available. These opportunities are available in
both San Francisco and Sacramento, CA and are as follows:

Business Architects
Director of Business Architecture
Senior Project Managers -PMO Office
Sr. Systems EngineerSenior Performance Engineer
Director of Finance-PMO
Director of Package Configuration
IT Product Configuration Lead
Senior Business Analyst
Please send all responses to: camille.brooks@blueshieldca.com.  When responding please include THCB job board in your subject line.

Blue Shield of California is an equal opportunity employer.

– Go read more job listings on the THCB job board. (BETA)

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