
THCB: Sponsorships

THCB’s live blogging coverage of HIMSS 2007 New Orleans would not be possible without the generous assistance of the kind souls at CDW Healthcare. Take a moment to go check out their specials for physicians and other health care providers and you’ll help us continue to provide independent coverage and cutting edge discussion of the issues facing healthcare. We get credit for every person who clicks over, so please take twenty seconds and go visit their site. If you decide to place order, tell them the Health Care Blog sent you — Matthew


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yet, you really should. You’ll get a helpful reminder email from us a
few times a week when important posts go up on the site. In the two
and a half months since the service launched more than 700 950 people have
signed up, thoroughly surprising me. I’ve pledged not to divulge any details about the people who
sign up, but I can tell you that list reads a bit like a health care
who’s who. Go on: It’s free. It’s useful. And people seem to like it.
Go visit the sign up page.

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