Those of you bored with the same old health care blogs might be interested to know that there are some more out there.
Veteran physician commentator Dick Reece’s medinnovationblog is starting with a long series of posts about “innovations” in care delivery. It’s mostly aimed at a physician audience but it’s thoughtful stuff—Dick does though need to realize that “blog” is to “post” as “newspaper” is to “article”.
From the crazed Republic of California come two new political health care blogs. Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Weintraub has a host of guest bloggers on California health care at CrossRoads. Those of us too cynical to think that anything meaningful can ever happen on the state level will note that not all of them share that view.
Anthony Wright, head of California single payer advocacy group Health Access, is a contributor to that blog. His own organization also has its own new blog on which he and Hanh Kim Quach are the main authors.
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