I’m up at Spot-on talking about Six Dirty Little Health Care Secrets. Comments back here if you like….
With no lurid sex scandal this week and apparently little public interest or Congressional caring about what’s going on overseas, ABC News and USA Today have turned to the health care system to fill some air time and column inches. As you may have heard, ABC’s even been wise enough to ask a couple of bloggers – yes, I’m one of them – to chime in on the debate.
They were asking for solutions to the health care crisis. But asking
for that’s pretty much a waste of time. Americans may hate their health
care system, but they apparently like their health care providers and
even think that their costs are OK. Or at least that’s what one survey
said. But suveys don’t tell the whole story – they serve as a kind of
cover for the real reasons it’s so hard to change the system we live
under. Continue …
Categories: Uncategorized
Steven Burda
steven.burda.mba @gmail.com
Temple University, BBA, 2003
St. Joseph’s University, MBA, 2006
Villanova University, Post-MBA, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Well, those 6 Dirty secrets might just explain the American consumer psyche but issue of Americans dissatisfaction with healthcare and what should be done about it seems to be never ending.
I found out something really interesting about HMO on bills.comand i recommend having a look at it.
Dr. Hodge,
I see that you are promoting the “house call” as a new medical innovation in response to the dissatisfaction of Americans with healthcare. I like the idea of physicians that are communicating more and getting to know their patients better, but how is this concept going to curb the problem of escalating healthcare costs? Is your “house call” more expensive or less expensive than the average office visit? Are your services and pricing information easily available upon request? Is this fee-for-service or do you accept insurance? Are you looking to compete directly with the “traditional” doctor’s office? I support economics and market competition in healthcare. Pricing in healthcare is not currently driven by market. Much of the “price transparency” discussion is a facade. I want the insurance “negotiated” rates to be published for the general public to see.
I have a nice blogpost today discussing this issue of Americans dissatisfaction with healthcare and what we should be doing about it. Take a look at http://personalpediatrics.blogspot.com/ and watch our story as it unfolds. Natalie Hodge MD Personal Pediatrics affiliate pediatrician St. Louis Missouri
Matthew —
The “one survey” link in the Spot-On article evidently has a malformed URL underneath it.
Nice article. I like the “change ought to happen to someone else” line. Unless you’re in the individual market, or worse yet you’re without entirely. Then you want change to happen you you…
Last time I checked Canadians could choose their own doctor. Maybe with that the lack of support for universal care would rise a notch or two. I wonder how that poll was taken (“but they apparently like their health care providers and even think that their costs are OK”) “Valid” polls only need about 1100 random samples. But if the random happens to hook only one particular group then there’s not much to be valid about.
Sorry–fixed the link
dude, what’s up with the “continue” link…?
Sink the Health Care Pirates
Hear the Austin Lounge Lizards’ new song, “Go Ahead & Die” in the music video by Powerhouse Animation