Interesting brief presentation — Mariott uses Active Health Mangement to change its formulary
Integrates pharmacy, medical and labs data from one place—inluding diagnosis and runs it against the medical literature based algoritms. They then communicate information to both providers and consumers (in consumer friendly langauge).
They found that sometimes “care considerations” has been presented to doctors and they’ve reported back that the script was written but the patient counldn’t afford it. So some medications (what they called essential rather than non-essential drugs)they’ve selectively changed the formulary to a lower copay, or none for generics, for those that have the relevant disease. Care engine can both identify those on the drugs and those who are not but should be, and communicates that information back to doctors and patients.
They’re doing a pre & post compare study with another Active Health Client who is not varying copays to see what that does to adherence and cost outcomes. The program is great reminder for docs and patients. Trying to ensure that the essential drugs are acessible.
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Would be very interesting to see an even more aggressive version of this test with negative copay tied to long-term adherence.