
THCB: Friday’s out with the trash

So a few quickies. I’m getting lots of requests for advertising/sponsorship on the blog and with John’s help we now have a link at the top for advertising information. So if you have a product or service to sell and want to sponsor/advertise THCB and reach a keen, pretty big and growing daily health care audience, email me.  And if you are a reader, there are plenty of ways a click or two around the site such as buying a book or signing up for a magazine, can help THCB and keep paying for the lights to stay on….

Of course, my main gig is as a pundit and a consultant, and so my real hope in doing THCB is that some readers working in the strategy/marketing/policy/research part of health care corporations might be interested in hiring me, either for a strategy/research/marketing project or as a speaker. With my consulting hat on I’m rather more focused and less flippant than my THCB pundit side might show, but I bring the same honest and direct approach. Again, please email me for information, or look here.

Finally, as some of you know I just got engaged to the lovely Amanda. But of course I did that before I knew that there were other options.

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2 replies »

  1. Good thing for Mr. Trombe he doesn’t live closer to the Nile Delta. Who knows what might’ve been severed. Of course, it’s probably no so good for the goat.