Brian Klepper steers THCB to this cracker of a headline from the state of endless sunshine and rampant voting fraud. Poll: Wealthy Floridians fear health care costs.
Apparently Florida’s wealthiest residents (although the story doesn’t define wealthy) fear that the high cost of health care may drain their financial assets. Nearly one in three wealthy Floridians polled agreed with the statement "health care costs will ultimately consume a major portion of my financial assets."
As Brian notes, if they’re scared, what about the poor people? Perhaps there’s room for a coalition here.
Categories: Uncategorized
> Apparently Florida’s wealthiest residents […] fear
> that the high cost of health care may drain their
> financial assets.
Well, so what if it does?
A couple of years ago I was talking with a guy who owned substantial assets (I’m not sure whether he is “wealthy”, but no matter) who said he wanted the state to pay for his long term care. I asked him why, since he could afford to pay for several years’ worth on his own. He said “So I’ll have something to pass on.” To which I replied: “So I should pay for your long term care in order that your kids get an inheritance?” He said “Oh, I never thought of it that way.”
Cracker of a headline …
So droll Mr. Holt, so droll!!!