
OFF-TOPIC: Study–7 Percent of Workers Drink on Job

Apparently according to this studyjust over 7 percent of American workers drink during the workday — mostly at lunch — and even more, 9 percent, have nursed a hangover in the workplace, according to a study.” This tells me two things that I already know. People lie to survey takers, and Americans can’t drink worth shit!

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3 replies »

  1. > Of course when I moved here I also raised
    > the average IQ in 2 countries!
    Well, I’m sure it SEEMS that way to you, but you ARE in San Francisco…
    > Lies, surely.
    Well, being a lighter lightweight than you by about half, I wouldn’t know…

  2. When I left the UK all my friends thought I was a lightweight because I could only drink 6 pints before I fell over. When I got to the US I was considered a hard core drinker!
    Of course when I moved here I also raised the average IQ in 2 countries!
    But really only 9% of workers have EVER had a hangover at work? Lies, surely.

  3. The Puritans that started this country really fouled us up. While I bet its true that 10% of us have a beer with lunch at least occasionally, that ain’t drinkin’ by any stretch, is it?