
TECH: New health care IT blog nexus!

Just in case you don’t think that THCB is enough, Shahid Shah who among other things runs The Healthcare IT Guy blog, has put together a page with many if not all of the health care IT related blogs on it at HITSphere. There are a couple there that I haven’t picked up on including a news source about consumer health informatics and one from Microsoft. Although Shahid has also put up the IBM one yet, showing commendable corporate even handedness! Note the lack of blogs from health care specialists Cerner, Epic, et al–perhaps they just don’t dare go into Mr HISTalk’s territory. I’m trying to figure out how to get my feed to send itself there when I talk about technology…which the casual THCB reader knows that I do from time to time.

Meanwhile, check out the new HITSphere index and wander around. I suspect in a year this page will be an interesting historical artifact, and we’ll need new tools to sort all the new different blogs and postings out there.

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