The wonderful Jeanne Scott of TheJeanneScottLetter is getting her newsletters back up. The most recent two are up on her site and she promises that the rest will follow. So go read! And subscribe if you haven’t already by emailing her.
On an unrelated Blognote, I finally went back through my archives of "drafts" (of which there were over one hundred remnants of things I wanted to comment on that I’d saved but never gotten to) and I’ll be trying to knock some out over the coming days. Of course it would help if current healthcare events stopped too!
Finally, I (hope that) the bloglet email service down on the right of your screen is now working with an accurate daily teaser of what’s in THCB. I tried to email those of you who have subscribed to that (free shareware) service about it the other day, but as I got zero responses either the email didn’t work, your spam filters kept me out, or I’m just not worth replying to! Please tell me it’s not the latter!
Categories: Uncategorized
Is Jeanne Scott a graduate of Washington Irving High School, Class of 1957? If yes, we are having 50th reunion At, Apr 21, 1 p.m. Latanzzi’s Italian Rest in NYC, 361 West 46 St.