
Tag: Miguel Cabrer

A Web 2.0 Interview with Miguel Cabrer, CEO of Medting

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Miguel Cabrer, the founder of MEDTING, a global site for the exchange of  medical information and images, will be a panelist at Health 2.0 Europe in Paris. Formerly CIO of Hospital Son Llatzer, the first digital hospital in Europe (European Commission eHealth Award in 2004) and eHealth Coordinator for the Balearic Islands Health Department,  Miguel Cabrer is now an independent eHealth Advisor, Member of the HIMSS EMEA Governing Council and Member of the IMIA Web 2.0 taskforce workgroup. Our Health 2.0 Regional Ambassador to Spain, Miguel even found the time to be interviewed by Denise Silber of Basil Strategies, Health 2.0’s partner in Europe!

Denise says: Please tell us the main reason for a physician to use Medting?

Miguel says: Physicians use Medting to share a clinical case with a colleague from anywhere in the world. They also store images and videos, build clinical cases, and access content for research and learning purposes. Content can be restricted to invitees only. A hospital or other organization can create its own extranet with the Medting Enterprise platform.

Denise says: How did you get the idea that there was a need for these different functionalities? Was it something you would have wanted when you were working in a hospital?   Continue reading…

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