The New York City Economic Development Corporation and Catalyst @ Health 2.0 are thrilled to announce another round of Digital Health Marketplace matchmaking coming up on August 23rd! Since 2013, the Digital Health Marketplace has connected digital health “Sellers” offering technology solutions to a diverse range of healthcare “Buyers” or institutions looking for tech-enabled solutions and partnerships. At the center of the Digital Health Marketplace is the successful curation of needs and solutions that lead to the development of commercialization and the rapid adoption of new health technologies. If you are an early stage startup looking for relevant pilot/commercial partners or a healthcare organization interested in adopting leading technologies, apply for your opportunity to be matched with relevant partners for one-on-one, in-person sales meetings.
For those interested in applying, submit the matchmaking application form by July 20th, 2018 at 11:59p ET. At that time, the Digital Health Marketplace team will match Buyers and Sellers based on expressed technology needs and relevant solutions. Selected participants will join us for a series of ~15 minute sales meetings at the NYC Genome Center on August 23rd, 2018. With the ultimate goal of a mutually beneficial partnership, the event is structured to bring the most relevant pairs together based on prioritized initiatives, with the goal of facilitating follow up discussions and potential long-term partnerships.
There is no shortage of digital health solutions in today’s healthcare climate and, as a Buyer, it is often challenging to find the time and resources to sift through them all. On the Seller side, it can be difficult to connect with prestigious institutions where your technology can be most impactful; the August Digital Health Marketplace Matchmaking session aims to address both obstacles in one convenient and exciting event! We’ve seen great success over the years as the Digital Health Marketplace matchmaking events have facilitated over 900 connections between health tech Buyers and Sellers to date.
Calling all NYC health tech Buyers! Calling health tech Sellers around the world! Submit your matchmaking application! Again, the deadline to apply to the Matchmaking Event is July 20th, 2018 at 11:59p ET. The Matchmaking Event will be taking place at the New York Genome Center on August 23rd, 2018 8:30a-12:30p. If you have any questions about the matchmaking process, please email challenges@health2con.com. We hope to see you in August!