
Tag: Marie Copoulos

Adding a Sustainability Lens to Health Innovation Pilots


Following a year of growing conversation about the links between the climate and our health, a new proposed rule from the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) links value-based payment innovation and sustainability for the first time, creating important precedent for an emerging connection in the health care sector and for system strategy.

In mid-May, CMMI proposed its first innovation model with a sustainability component, Transforming Episode-Based Accountability, or TEAM. The TEAM model is a successor to episode-based alternative payment models and notable in that it’s a mandatory payment model overall, though the sustainability component is voluntary. As proposed, acute care organizations selected to participate will have the option to opt into emissions reporting, opening the door to receive feedback and technical assistance. This is the first visible link between value-based payment and sustainability from CMMI, a test of a concept that–like all initiatives coming from CMMI–could give way to scale.

This follows on a year in which emissions reporting and the intersection of climate and health generally (which includes thinking about the health implications of factors like heat, air, and water, or simply put climate as a social determinant of health) has become more prominent. The Joint Commission began offering its Sustainable Health Care certification, a voluntary program. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) passed a ruling requiring disclosure of carbon emissions and associated risks. This SEC ruling requires Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reporting from all publicly traded companies, which will include many of the largest health systems. And these rules follow on the heels of new reporting requirements for organizations operating in California, requiring emissions reporting for organizations larger than $1B on not only Scope 1 and Scope 2 but also Scope 3 emissions and climate-risk disclosure for organizations operating in excess of $500 million. Most hospitals and systems fall within these financial parameters. The reporting rules follow Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) standards, which a number of organizations use today.

These proposals and programs are in their infancy. The SEC and California rulings will no doubt be contested and the CMMI proposal is voluntary in nature. However, there is a clear trend toward speaking about climate initiatives in terms of their health impacts and grappling with the health industry’s role in mitigating emissions overall. The CMMI proposed rule is important because it puts the sustainability discussion in the context of health care delivery and payment innovation broadly at CMS.

This matters because sustainability initiatives require similar core success factors to delivery reform and benefit from alignment. In fact, some of the breakthrough thinking happening in the sustainability space builds on the skill sets and experience gained in the value-based payment over the last decades, including:

  • Financial modeling: Sustainability investments challenge existing financial models because of the long timelines for return on investment–a lot like population health models that incent preventative care over long timeframes.
  • Workforce development: In both sustainability and climate adaptation (i.e. encouraging more resilient health systems), new skillsets are needed. In value-based payment, building competencies in care management and data analysis has been a central focus over the last decade. Both these skill sets (identifying and working closely with patients with significant health risks and using data to inform the work) and the practice of re-equipping the current workforce create important precedents.
  • Data strategy: While ESG reporting is largely focused on risk and financial in nature, we expect to see new sets of best practices around data collection, monitoring, and measurement–tapping into existing data sources as the field evolves. As sustainability reporting broadens out of the financial context into strategy, there is a lot of room to take advantage of the improved data functionalities of health systems for impact.

Finally, and perhaps most critically, a natural evolution of these pilot initiatives is to think not only about reducing emissions, but to reduce the impacts of environmental factors (like heat and poor air and water quality) on population health and specifically on patients with existing complex needs. When viewed in this longer-term context, as a social determinant of health, it underscores the importance of linking new payment and delivery models to this conversation. While this new proposal from CMMI is a small step in this direction, it’s an important one that we hope will seed greater participation and conversation in the health innovation space.

Marie Copoulos is the Managing Principal of Horta Health, LLC and a subject matter expert in health delivery and payment reform in Medicare and Medicaid models. Monica Nakielski is an ESG & Sustainability Advisor at Hameda LLC and a subject matter expert in sustainability and ESG efforts.

Health Innovation & Data: Five Common Missteps (and How to Interrupt Them)


I’ve had the great fortune of spending much of my career at the intersection of health care innovation and the underlying data that drives new models.

For those of us who’ve worked in this space for a long time, there’s a certain pattern recognition that comes with this work that is often immediate and obvious – both in terms of really cool developments but also gotchas. “Ah, you’re stumbling here. Everyone does that.”

The challenge, I’ve found, is that these ‘gotchas’ that can be so visible to the folx who’ve worked in health tech for the past few decades can be counterintuitive in the business and even met with resistance. Why?

I’m going to focus here on pattern recognition, with the goal of highlighting common stumbling blocks and, critically, ways you can interrupt them if you see them.

Pattern #1: Lacking a Clear-Eyed View of Market Data Gaps
Key Question: Do you understand how the market you’re in informs your ability to measure your work and use data to drive insight?

For those of you building models that change the status quo – this is for you. By nature these innovations break from existing care and financial models with the goal to improve them. We need this in health care. However, it’s common to overlook the fact that breaking with the status quo also breaks with the ways that we capture and serve up health data.

To this end, don’t assume you will be able to measure and show success, and that the data you need must be out there. The true differentiator is for both to align. Design with intention.

If you’re at the stage of thinking about a productized solution to a health care problem, then it is also the right time to look at the market with a lens toward data availability. In your problem space, what’s the data set you’re likely to lean on? Is it sufficient?

If the answer is that the data is not available or notoriously problematic in your market space for the problem you’re solving, this merits a pause. Can you find a way to survive in this reality? Can you create the data set you need? Can you adjust what you’re doing in some way to align with what is available? Is qualitative feedback ok?

Pattern #2: Accumulating Non-Technical Roadblocks Key Question: Do you have a good handle on the non-technical challenges impacting your data business?

A decade ago I would have approached this question differently. Technical challenges were often paramount as we tried to figure out how to solve the basics. Today, however, it’s often the opposite, in that business challenges are more likely to slow down technical progress than the other way around.

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