We are excited to announce that the campaign to pledge to the Participatory Medicine Manifesto is launching today — and we need your support!
Our Participatory Medicine Manifesto is a call to action for patients, caregivers and health care professionals to equally share decision-making and respect one another.
We want you and your organization to help us fix a broken healthcare system from the ground up. We want to put democracy back into the culture of healthcare by enabling patients, healthcare professionals and caregivers to all have an equal voice. We need your influence to inspire people. We will list individuals and organizations that support the Manifesto.
Please view and sign the SPM Manifesto Pledge today
We have designed a promotional campaign encouraging people to pledge to the Participatory Medicine Manifesto. As part of this campaign, we created a pledge form and social media toolkit for people and organizations to use in spreading the work about Participatory Medicine.
And spread the word to your colleagues and friends to help us reach our goal. After you pledge you will find the easy to use social media toolkit.
We greatly appreciate your help and support!
Eric Bersh, Judy Danielson, Kevin Freiert, Matthew Holt, Dr. Danny Sands, Amber Soucy—all board members of SPM
Pledge Today!
PS – Please share with your friends & followers!