This is part 3 of Jeff Goldsmith’s history of managed care. If you missed it read Part 1 & Part 2
Two major changes in health insurance ensued as the US health system entered the 21st century- a strategic shift of health cost risk from providers to patients and the emergence of machine driven managed care.
Insurers Shift Strategy from Sharing Risk with Hospitals and Doctors to Markedly Implicating their “Patients’.
After the 2008 recession, employers and their health plans shifted strategy from putting physicians and hospitals at risk through delegated risk capitation to putting patients at risk through higher patient cost sharing. In the wake of the recession, the number of patients with high deductible health plans nearly quintupled–to over sixty million lives. By 2024, 32% of the lives in employer-based plans (50% among small employers’) were in high deductible plans regardless of patient economic circumstances.
The stated intention of the High Deductible Health Plan movement was to encourage patients to “shop” for care. In real care situations, however, patients found it difficult or impossible to determine exactly what their share of the cost would be or which providers did the best job of taking care of them. For an extensive review of the literature on how healthcare “consumers” struggle to manage their financial risk, read Peter Ubel’s 2019 Sick to Debt: How Smarter Markets Lead to Better Care.
Employers and insurers, working together to “empower consumers”, rapidly shifted “self-pay” bad debts onto their provider networks. Some 60% of hospital bad debts are now from patients with insurance. Instead of “shopping for care”, consumers found themselves saddled with almost $200 billion in medical bills they could not pay, and hospitals and physicians ended up eating most of it.
This escalating “insured bad debt” problem forced providers to hire revenue cycle management (RCM) consultants to revise and strengthen their policies regarding patient financial responsibility, “revenue integrity” (meaning crossing all the “t’s” and dotting all the “I’s” in each medical claim and making sure care is coded properly) and rigorously monitoring the flow of claims to and from their major insurance carriers. As a result many providers found themselves spending 10-15% of their total operating expenses on RCM!
Medicare Advantage Enables Insurer Market Dominance
The movement from Ellwood’s vision of regionally-based provider sponsored health plans to market dominance by huge national carriers was cemented by the emergence of Medicare Advantage as the most significant and profitable health insurance market segment. In 2013, Medicare Advantage accounted for 29% of total Medicare spending. A decade later, in 2024, it was 54% (of roughly a trillion dollar program). And until a federal crackdown on MA coding and payment policies by the carriers, it was a 5% margin business, significantly more profitable than commercial insurance, ObamaCare Exchange or managed Medicaid businesses.
As Medicare Advantage emerged as the largest health insurance market, it was dominated by a cartel of large publicly traded carriers.
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