As 2025 kicks off, it’s wise to pause, and gather our thoughts as a nation. Few would argue that we’ve been through a lot over the past decade. And quite naturally, we humans are prone to blame individuals rather than circumstances (most of which have been beyond our control) for creating an environment that feels as if it is unraveling before our eyes.
How should we describe our condition – dynamic, tense, complex? Is peace, contentment, and security achievable in this still young nation? Have accelerationist technocrats, armed with bitcoins and Martian fantasy, short-circuited our moment in time that had been preserved for recovery from a deadly pandemic that eliminated a million of our fellow citizens seemingly overnight?
Who do we turn to for answers, now that we’ve largely lost faith and trust in our politicians, our religious leaders, and our journalists? And how exactly do you create a healthy nation? Certainly not by taking doctors and nurses offline for miscarriages, and placing local bureaucrats in exam rooms. Are they prepared to deal with life and death decisions? Are they trained to process human fear and worry? Do they know how to instill hopefulness in parents who are literally “scared to death” because their child has just been diagnosed with cancer? It certainly must require more than a baseball cap with MAHA on it to heal this nation.
Historians suggest this will take time. As Stanford Professor of Law, Lawrence M. Friedman, wrote in A History of American Law, “One hundred and sixty-nine years went by between Jamestown and the Declaration of Independence. The same length of time separates 1776 and the end of World War II.”
During those very early years that preceded the formal declaration and formation of the United States as a nation, our various, then British colonies, fluidly and independent of each other, did their best first to survive, and then to organize into shared communities with codified laws and regulations. It was “a study of social development unfolding over time” impacted by emotions, politics and real-time economics. At the core of the struggle (as we saw with the pandemic, and now the vaccine controversy) was a clash between the rights of the individual and those of the collective community.
This clash of values has been playing out in full view over the past five years of the Covid pandemic. In 2023, Washington Post columnist, Dr. Leana Wen, asked, “Whose rights are paramount? The individual who must give up freedoms, or those around them who want to lower infection risk?”
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