
Tag: Kathy Campbell

Precision Medicine in Australia | Kathy Campbell, Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA)


What’s happening in precision medicine in Australia? Kathy Campbell, Chair of the Health Informatics Society of Australia’s (HISA’s) Precision Medicine Community of Practice, explains HISA’s uniquely broad definition of precision medicine and gives us the scoop on how everything from consumer-directed genetic testing to social determinants of health data and pharmocogenomics are impacting precision medicine and personalized care.

Filmed in the HISA Studio at HIC 2019 in Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.

Jessica DaMassa is the host of the WTF Health show & stars in Health in 2 Point 00 with Matthew HoltGet a glimpse of the future of healthcare by meeting the people who are going to change it. Find more WTF Health interviews here or check out

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