
Tag: Joanne Cacciatore

The Politics of DS

Of all the misconceived DSM 5 suggestions, the one touching the rawest public nerve is the proposed medicalization of normal grief into a mental disorder. Fierce opposition has provoked two editorials in Lancet, a front page New York Times story, and incredulous articles in more than 100 journals around the world.

And now, during just the past four days, there has been the kind of online miracle that is possible only on the internet. Joanne Cacciatore wrote a moving blog that rapidly made its viral way across the world and into the hearts of the bereaved. An astounding 65,000 people have already viewed her piece and then passed it on to friends and families. You can join them at:

Dr Cacciatore is a researcher at Arizona State University and the founder of the MISS Foundation- a nonprofit organization providing services to grieving families whose children have died or are dying. The MISS Foundation has 77 chapters around the world and website that gets more than one million hits per month.

Dr Cacciatore writes:

“Across all cultures, the death of children is a particularly traumatic blow. Most people quaver at the thought of losing a child- for millions around the world this feared tragedy is reality.”

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