
Tag: InTouch Solutions

Which Health Tech Innovations are Actually Relevant? | Intouch Solutions Abidur Rahman


While overseeing new technology development at Intouch Solutions, an industry leading pharmaceutical marketing agency, Abidur Rahman spends his time identifying which healthcare innovations are actually relevant. An important job, considering the insane proliferation of AR/VR/AI technologies in the pharmaceutical industry. Get his take on the most viable health tech applications for AR/VR/AI now and what areas startups should be innovating towards in the future.

Filmed at the Frontiers Health Conference in Berlin, Germany, November 2018.

Jessica DaMassa is the host of the WTF Health show & stars in Health in 2 Point 00 with Matthew HoltGet a glimpse of the future of healthcare by meeting the people who are going to change it. Find more WTF Health interviews here or check out

Will “Partnership” Meeting Propel Mass Movement?

Is participatory medicine poised to become a mass movement? A weekend gathering of patient activists and supporters at a “Partnership with Patients” conference this past weekend offered some important clues about opportunities and obstacles.

The meeting was conceived and created in a matter of weeks by artist and activist Regina Holiday, with a little help from a lot of friends and an offer of a casino-turned-corporate-meeting-center by Cerner Corp. in Kansas City. But this meeting was unusual for reasons other than location. It was not patients protesting the high cost of care or barriers to access or the slow progress of research into their disease. Instead, they were trying to transform the way doctors and others throughout the health care system relate to every patient with every disease.

What was even more unusual, perhaps even unique in the history of medicine, is that they were joined in partnership by health care professionals – doctors, nurses, information technology specialists, medical communicators and others. The focus was on constructing something new, not just complaining about the old.

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