
Tag: Gilles Frydman

PatientsUseAI: Hugo, Gilles and e-Patient Dave on the race to patient autonomy — THCB Gang Special Episode 149, Thursday December 19

Joining Matthew Holt on #THCBGang on Thursday December 19 at 1pm PST 4pm EST are three leaders in the patient movement Hugo Campos (@HugoCampos); Gilles Frydman (@GillesFrydman); and ePatient Dave deBronkart (@DavedeBronkart). They will be bring us up to speed on the very latest in patients using AI.

You can see the video below live (and later archived) & if you’d rather listen than watch, the audio is preserved as a weekly podcast available on our iTunes & Spotify channels.

Why a Patient 2.0 Panel at the Health 2.0 DC conference?

This is the first of two posts about the inspiring Patients 2.0 panel I helped organized at Health 2.0 DC. This one will explain the rationale for organizing such a panel. The second will provide a link to all the presentations and to the panelist biographies.

A while back, while he entire country was wondering if “health care reform” was ever going to become a reality, I had a conversation with Matthew Holt about the need to have a patients-only panel at the Health 2.0 conference. Matt graciously accepted the idea.

The panel was originally organized to convey, from the patient viewpoint, a few ideas, based on the following facts:

  • payment reform is not health care reform,
  • nobody has more at stake in real health care reform than patients,
  • patients are the most underutilized resource of the health care system and,
  • meaningful reform won’t happen until the patients are at the center of the effort.

Continue reading…

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