
Tag: Fast Food

Where Are Health Care’s Value Meals?


If you’re anything like me, you’ve noticed that food costs have been increasing. Whether it is food from the grocery or at a restaurant, the bill can be eye-opening compared to a few years ago. Blame the pandemic, blame corporate greed, blame the President – take your pick. But the bottom line is, you have to eat. You can buy lower priced options, you can go out less often, you can skimp on non-food spending, but you’re going to buy food. The other thing you can do is to complain.

Well, the fast food industry, for one, is listening to those complaints, and many leading fast food companies have launched a variety of “value meals” to reduce the pain consumers feel. Evidently they are still capable of feeling shame, or at least of recognizing that consumers have choices.

I just wish the healthcare industry was capable of doing the same.

Let’s be clear: the fast food industry has brought this on themselves. The Wall Street Journal reports that prices of food eaten away from home rose 30% since 2019, according to labor Department statistics, and that prices for a Big Mac increased 21% over the same period. McNugget meals were up 28% over the same period.

McDonald’s recognized the problem. It announced a $5 meal bundle in mid-May, targeting a June 25 launch date. For those of you craving a McD’s fix, the deal includes McDouble or McChicken sandwich, small fries, small soft drink and a four-piece Chicken McNuggets. “I’ve been in our restaurants. I’ve sat in focus groups,” Erlinger said on the Today show, touting the new deals.

It didn’t take long for other fast food chains to offer their own version. KFC introduced its $4.99 value menu back in April, even before McDonald’s announcement. Wendy’s has a $3 breakfast deal, Burger King has a $5 Your Way Meal, Taco Bell has something it calls a Luxe Craving Box for $7, Starbucks has a new Pairing Menu priced between $5-$7, Jack in the Box has a $4 munchies Meal, and Sonic now offers a $1.99 menu it calls “Fun.99,” which it says will be permanent, not a time limited promotion. I’m sure there are others.

“It still holds true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” Burger King North American president Tom Curtis said in a May email to restaurant operators. “We know the competition is doing that. So we will be in that game,” Jack in the Box Chief Executive Darin Harris said

Lest anyone be worried about hurting the fast food companies’ margins, R.J. Hottovy, head of analytical research at, told Yahoo Finance: “It really comes down to … repeat visits after the fact. You’re not making money on the value menu. You’re making menu money on the other products, the more premium products, the dessert products, the beverage products that go along with that.”

Health care is like food in that almost anywhere you go you can probably find it. There are fast food restaurants seemingly on every corner, but there also are drugstores and doctors’ offices somewhere near those fast food restaurants. Health care may not quite be omnipresent, but it’s pretty present.

Unlike food, you may not need health care every day — but you are going to need it at some point. It may be a simple visit, it may be a pill a day for a few days, but it could be a mind-boggling array of tests, medications and procedures you never imagined or lifelong care.

In a fast food restaurant, you look at the menu, pick what you want and how much you are willing to pay, but with health care you don’t have such a menu. Someone else is usually telling what you need and dictating how much you’ll pay for it. After numerous “price transparency” efforts in these last few years, you might be able to find some set of prices, but if anyone has ever successfully been able to use them for anything other than the simplest of interactions, I’d like to know about it.  

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Fast Food Economics: How Medium Became the New Large

As a nutrition researcher tracking portion sizes and labels manufacturers use to describe such sizes, I have seen food portions not only grow larger over the years, but the labels to describe foods and drinks have also changed.

For example, when McDonald’s opened in the 1950s, the company offered one size soda, which was 7 ounces; today’s 12 ounces is labeled a kid’s size and the 16-ounce is labeled small. Similarly, when Burger King opened, the company offered a 12-ounce small and a 16-ounce large soda. The 12-ounce is no longer sold and the 16-ounce comes as part of the value meal. Burger King’s small soda is now 20 ounces, the medium is 30 ounces, and the large is 40 ounces.

Does anyone pay attention to these label descriptors? And do they influence how much we really eat? Apparently yes, according to a new study published in Health Economics by Cornell University researchers David Just and Brian Wansink.

The study found that labeling a food as “regular” or “double size” affects how much consumers will eat, regardless of how big or small the portion size actually is.

The researchers served subjects two different portions of pasta in either a one cup-portion or a two-cup portion. For some of the subjects, the two different size portions were labeled “half-size” and “regular.” For the other subjects, the identically-sized portions were labeled “regular” and “double-size.” The labels for the first group of subjects indicated that the two-cup pasta portion was the regular size, while it was suggested to the second group of subjects that the one-cup pasta portion was the regular size.

The study concluded that varying the “regular” portions affected how much the subjects actually ate. Subjects ate more food when the portion was labeled “regular” than when it was labeled “double-size” despite the fact that the two sizes were actually the same size.

The subjects were also willing to pay more for a larger sounding portion size.

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