
Tag: Consumer Partnership for e-Health

Meaningful meaning? (with UPDATE)

6a00d8341c909d53ef0105371fd47b970b-320wiThe first draft of “meaningful use” came out early yesterday, and I was struck by two things. First, probably influenced by the NCVHS recommendations and the Consumer Partnership for e-Health (See Update), the work-group included a lot of consumer-facing aspects in the concept of meaningful use. Here’s the full draft. Comments are being accepted now (but hurry as they’re going to come back with version two in a month, you have 9 days!).

But in terms of getting consumer activities into the 2011 definition the “Objectives” suggest that meaningful use includes:

  • Providing patients with electronic copy of or electronic access to clinical information (labs, medication list, allergies, medical “problem” list)
  • Providing access to patient specific educational sources
  • Providing clinical summaries for patients at each encounterContinue reading…
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