Medstar Health, a big hospital system in the Washington DC area, has been using a selection of digital health tools like Bluestream Health’s telehealth system for a while. Now they are showing to the world their implementation of b.well Connected Health‘s patient interface which as you’ll see is being used to create a digital first experience for their patients, enabling booking of virtual and physical appointments. I spoke with John Lock, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at MedStar Health & Kristen Valdes, CEO of b.well Connected Health, while Cathryna Nieves, AVP, Digital Transformation at MedStar Health gave a full demo of the experience. I don’t often head into the belly of the beast, but it’s very interesting to see how big incumbents like Medstar are working with tech vendors to react to the billions being spent by venture capitalists to create denovo virtual first health services–Matthew Holt
Interview with Brian Yarnell, Bluestream Health
As you may have noticed, we are picking up the focus on new tech companies here on THCB. Much of this is happening as I have a little more time to examine and work with startups as I’m no longer running the Health 2.0 conference day to day. Some of it comes from our new partnership with Jessica DaMassa and her WTF.Health series. But don’t worry, we are continuing to be the place to find great opinion pieces about the health care system as a home (This is an “add” not an “instead”)
Today I have an interview about an interesting new company I’m getting to know called Bluestream Health which is essentially a second generation telehealth video platform. Brian Yarnell is the President and I spoke with him about his company, and what makes their technology different. Brian will be at the ATA conference net week (while I’ll be at Dev4Health!) — Matthew Holt