
Getting the Real Story: Valid Performance Measures

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If you want the real story about whether a wellness program or health product worked, you want valid, accurate measures.  Getting the real story is the topic of our lively panel discussion at Health 2.0 hosted by the Validation Institute.  By adhering to principles of objectivity and stringent validation processes, the Validation Institute provides healthcare industry consumers with sound and valid information, allowing them to evaluate companies with confidence.

I am a population health scientist with training in epidemiology, biostatistics, quality measures, and risk finance and I run Health Economy LLC.

I will moderate a discussion that will evaluate  health and wellness interventions, apps, and medical devices and share how valid, science-based measurement can guide investors, customers, and insurers, as well as product managers.   This frank and informative discussion will cover what, why and how of measuring impact, as well how accurate measures affect the credibility of the health marketplace.

Though virtually everyone wants to buy or invest using accurate data, invalid and exaggerated measures are everywhere.  To determine if a product or service performs as it claims, do you have to try it to find out?  And if you do, are you properly measuring the true impact?   Does your competition exaggerate (invalidly state) their performance, to the detriment of your (validly) stated performance?

Imagine a world where every company measured its results properly and reported them accurately.  All organizations involved in population health – from health plans to employers to vendors; and from start-ups to established companies – would adhere to the highest standards of validity.  You could decide based on integrity and performance rather than hyperbole.

Find out more about getting the real story with valid measures, and how the real story can help you improve your product, attract investors, and serve your customers. Sign up today!

Linda is currently the Population Health Scientist at Health Economy, LLC.

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