Health 2.0’s Spring Fling is just 3 weeks away. We are expecting a great crowd, so register today!
Catch expertly curated sessions with brand new themes, products debuting to the public for the first time, and discussion on compelling success stories about delivery reform, all while celebrating Spring in San Diego!
Newly Confirmed Speakers
More speakers – more perspectives – more reasons to attend Health 2.0!
- Josh Sommer, Chordoma Foundation, will be in conversation with Health 2.0’s Indu Subaiya to discuss steps he’s taking to drive discovery in real time rapid learning systems and increase patient participation in clinical research to get past ‘analysis paralysis.’
- Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS, makes his first appearance at Health 2.0. He will talk about innovation in how we improve the nation’s public health and announce the winner of the HealthyPeople 2020 Challenge!
- Amy Romano, Childbirth Connection, has been leading the charge in transforming maternity care by being a clinician, research analyst, educator and consumer advocate with a vision for a high-quality, high value maternity care system. J.D. Kleinke is a pioneering health care information entrepreneur, medical economist, and author of the new book Catching Babies. Together they will talk about their thoughts on a data-driven healthcare system armed with end-to-end clinical decision support systems.
- Andrew Odewahn, O’Reilly Media, joins the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge team on stage to share the outcomes of the Code-a-thon collaboration with Make Magazine, including adventures with Arduinos and Microsoft Kinect.
They’ll join preventative medicine legend Dean Ornish, innovative medical director Arnie Milstein, HHS CTO Todd Park and many more…
Health 2.0 Developer Challenges
The Health 2.0 Developer Challenge just wrapped up a whirlwind tour of the east coast to finish our first batch of 2011 live code-a-thons. In one short month we’ve taken our 8 hour coding sessions to Washington, D.C., Boston and San Francisco, and we couldn’t be happier with the amazing things we’ve seen blossom from these events!
Winners will also be announced for our ONLINE challenges by Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health and Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer. Over 35 teams have signed up to compete in these challenges including Microsoft and Practice Fusion’s Analyze This, which asks teams to build tools using a deidentified EMR dataset; the American Heart Association’s Food Find challenge to pinpoint food deserts and drive better food decisions and Health and Human Services’s myHealthPeople Challenge asking for creative mash-ups, data visualizations and analytics of data at the state and community level.
New Demos
Health 2.0 is known for bringing the best and newest technologies on stage for live demos, and this year will not disappoint! Check out some of the great products we have lined up:
- Keas – Lindsey Volckmann will demo the new employer sponsored Health and Wellness Challenge by Keas. The challenge uses the knowledge that rewards and social support will elicit competition and ultimately impressive results toward improved health behaviors
- GiveForward – Co-founder, Ethan Austin will show how some people are choosing to deal with the rising cost of healthcare using GiveForward. The site facilitates fundraisers to cover out of pocket costs for those who are struggling with the financial strain of healthcare bills.
- Redbrick Health – Eric Zimmerman will give us a peek into the new social engagement platform that RedBrick Health has developed for the Alliance for a Healthier Minnesota. See how they’re using social motivation to encourage better health and wellness choice
Interviews on Health 2.0 News
- Brian Witlin, founder of ShopWell talks about his mobile and web based application. ShopWell allows users to quickly scan or search products while shopping and asses the food’s dietary impact and see potential alternatives. Listen to it here.
- Don’t miss our interview with Eric Zimmerman who will be demoing Redbrick Health’s social engagement platform on the Spring Fling stage. The RedBrick team is seeing great results in improving healthy behavior throughout the entire state of Minnesota.
- Lastly, we chatted with Amy Romano to hear more about Childbirth Connection’s Maternity Care Visualization Developer Challenge, but we’re also glad to be including Amy in our Fireside Chats at the Spring Fling! Listen in to hear how Amy believes maternity care and Health IT can come together to create innovative technologies.
Pre-conference Sessions
Get warmed up for the conference with some of our great pre-conference activities lined up for the afternoon of the 21st:
- Take a field trip!
- Tour the facilities at West Wireless Health Institute and take a look of some of the cutting-edge wireless health technologies that are being created.
- Join the tour group to the Kaiser Permanente Garfield Specialty Center to learn more about the innovative new facility and watch demonstrations of MyHealthManager, KP HealthConnect and the VA Health Information Exchange.
- Patients 2.0
- Come meet with other empowered, engaged patients to co-create a vision and next steps for moving forward with patient-led initiatives co-located with upcoming Health 2.0 Conferences.Jane Sarasohn-Kahn will facilitate a meeting that continues the dialogue started at the Health 2.0 meeting in San Francisco in October 2010 which brought together over one hundred patients and advocates who shared stories about being patients, and using, sharing and co-creating health data. That meeting resulted in a Patients 2.0 manifesto for disruptive innovation of the health system the bottom-line of which was to Recognize Our Impact (ROI) — as patients who have a stake in their own as well as fellow patients’ health and health care.At this 2-hour meeting, we’ll review those Patient 2.0 tenets, brainstorm themes and ideas for moving forward, and drive toward some next steps for convening a Patients 2.0 session just prior to the Health 2.0 Conference scheduled for September 26-27, 2001, in San Francisco. Register here.
- Interested in connecting with other companies to build business and technology collaborations? Then the Health 2.0 Accelerator meeting is the place to be!
- Witness the live competition and judging of the top teams from Health 2.0’s code-a-thons that have occurred around the country.
Other warm-up activities in San Diego
HealthCamp San Diego is a grassroots, user-organized, collaborative experience that focuses on interactive digital media, open source and the best of the Internet, mobile (mHealth) web and process innovation to work for better health care and health technology. As an “un-conference” HealthCamp brings together consumers, health providers, payors, health industry experts and technology professionals for a one day session to exchange ideas informally, locally, openly. HealthCamp San Diego meets on March 20, 2011 from 9:00 to 4:30PM at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego
Sponsorship Opportunities
Want to market your service or product at Health 2.0? Maximize your marketing reach & make a big splash in front of our prestigious audience! Only a few Sponsorship spots are still available and going fast! Click here for information about the various ways to get involved… Don’t wait till it’s too late!
We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!
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