
The History and Future of Medical Technology

MedTech125Ad If you are curious about how the amazing technologies found in modern hospitals and clinics came about, check out Ira Brodsky’s entertaining new book, The History and Future of Medical Technology. The hardback tells the story of the people behind each technology—their dreams, their struggles, and their lucky breaks.

Told in you-are-there fashion, it gives you a front row view of the discoveries and inventions that led to today’s imaging systems, implants, prosthetics and more. The book also covers pioneering work in areas including personal health technology, robotic surgery, nanomedicine, and brain-computer interface chips.

The book contains fourteen chapters: Better Living through Biomedical Engineering / The Hidden World / Medicine’s First Power Users / Fantastic Voyage / Human Electricity / The First Cyborgs / Wireless Chemistry / The Nuclear Option / Listening to the Body / Repair or Replace? Part I / Repair or Replace? Part II / The Vision Thing / Technology with Real Teeth / Bodies in Cyberspace.

The History and Future of Medical Technology is 321 pages and includes 26 illustrations. Published in May of this year, the book is available from Amazon and other resellers. For more information, including sample pages, visit the publisher’s website: http://www.telescopebooks.com.

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