This post was submitted by Eugene Borukhovich, of the New York Healthcare Technology Organization – Health 2.0 New York Chapter
The last meetup had a great turnout and we are gearing up to have the 99%
"show-up rate" once again! Please make sure to RSVP and please make it
firm since we have limited seating. Space will be opened up to 55
members but it will be tight so please only breath when you need to 🙂
(Disclaimer: that was not a medical advice).
June Presenters:1. HealthWorldWeb, LLC – Dan Kogan, CEODan will present a private beta launch of our reincarnation MyHealthExperience.comMyHealthExperience helps healthcare consumers identify best resources and providers of healthcare by virtual word of mouth
2. Hello Health – Jay Parkinson, MD + MPHJay does not need any introductions as he is "The Doctor of the Future"Hello Health
is a revolutionary new experience with your neighborhood doctor. They
mix office and online visits to give you personal attention when and
how you want it.
Agenda: 6:30 – 7:00pm Networking (Some healthy snacks and drinks) 7:00 – 7:45pm Demos & Group Q&A 7:45 – 8:15pm A fun activity is planned and will be lead by Lynn Nezin 8:15 – 8:30pm Sub-meetup group leaders volunteer selections
Looking forward to a fun and exciting meeting!
For more information please contact Eugene Borukhovich at
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