
A Shout out to our sponsors

Sage_small THCB would not quite simply not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and advertisers.  We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our newest corporate supporter, the wonderful folks at Sage, makers of industry leading healthcare applications including the Sage Intergy EHR  and Sage Intergy Practice Management Solutions.  If you're a physician trying to sort through  the complexities of the stimulus package for your practice, you may want to take a few minutes to visit the useful collection of resources they've pulled together to help you think about the decisions involved. Tell them THCB sent you They like that.

Meanwhile, we were sorry to hear that Sage VP of Market Strategy & Industry Relations James Mathews will not be attending Health 2.0 Boston after falling ill en route to Boston.  We wish James a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him at Health 2.0 San Francisco in the fall .. 

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