
Using 2.0 tools to improve health communication by 2020

Recognizing that in the two decades since Healthy People 2000 first laid out the nation’s health objectives, the internet has revolutionized how people seek and share health information, U.S. health officials are updating the nation’s health goals for the next decade and want to harness the power of e-health and Health 2.0 in their data collection and goal setting.

On Social Marketing and and Social Change is hosting a series of bloggers and discussions about the future of health communication and its role in the Healthy People 2020 goals.

"This is where talking about health and inspiring people to get involved in national health promotion and disease prevention policy meet," says blog host Craig Lefebvr. "If you’d like to contribute a post, or want to cross-post on relevant topics, please let me know and let’s work something out."

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