HIMSS was an intense experience this year. Not only did I present on Health 2.0 at CHIME and at the Cisco Community for Connected Health, but I met lots of old friends and made some new ones at the ICW, HISTalk, Allscripts and Google parties, as well as seeing an almost complete reunion of the old i-Beacon gang. (Bringing back memories of the famous 2001 New Orleans HIMSS beigner 2am powdered sugar fight!)
I also got up very early to attend a breakfast organized by the good people at Allscripts for Newt Gingrich and 50 of his closet friends, and was lucky enough to get 5 minutes to talk with him…..and those of you who think I’m an un-repenting Marxist will be amazed that I agree with him on the issue of mandating and payment for ePrescribing and EMRs! (Although I suspect several of my free market friends do not!)
Unfortunately my experience getting home from HIMSS was way less fun, and I arrived home way later than expected (although I narrowly avoided spending the night on the floor of the Miami airport and actually had a nice room in a rather trendy airport hotel called the Preston in Nashville). And of course by the time I got home I as deeply underwater in Health 2.0 Conference related activities.
So I’m playing catch up and the next several posts will be the remaining podcasts from HIMSS. They’re well well worth listening to.
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