Recently the targets on Medicare Health Support were changed to make them more financially favorable to the DM companies running the projects. Everyone inside the DM industry has known that MHS has not been doing too well for some time now. But now according to Vince Kuratis’ blog, the preparations to pull the plug are well underway. Here’s Vince’s interpretation of CMS’ decidely low-key announcement of where MHS stands.
MHS is not meeting targets for financial savings. While it is theoretically possible that the MHS program could climb out of the hole financially during the remaining months of the program, we are doubtful that this will happen — so much so that we are scheduling the patient’s (MHS’) funeral even though technically we are not allowed to pronounce the patient dead yet. In the event that hell freezes over and the program revives, we will then schedule Phase II, but don’t hold your breath.
In a new twist on an old saying by Mark Twain: The rumors of MHS’ death have NOT been greatly exaggerated.
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