like to dedicate my Thanksgiving post to the people who are working on,
have worked on and most importantly, ought to be working on issues of
design and usability in healthcare.
I seem to be joined by Sohrab Vossoughi, Founder of Ziba Design who wrote a viewpoint article in this week’s Business Week, Designing the ‘Care’ into Healthcare.
What do I mean by design? To quote Joan Osburn, who runs Osburn Design,
a well-known architecture and design firm in San Francisco, with her
husband Steve, "design is not decoration." Design to me is a philosophy
and an intentionality behind creating things, be they physical
structures, gadgets, websites or services, that translate into an
optimal user-experience. Optimal, in turn, has elements of both
functionality and beauty i.e., (1) were you able to do what you needed
to do and, (2) did you enjoy doing it?
> Continue reading this post on the Health 2.0 Blog
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