
HEALTH 2.0 Connecting Consumers and Providers

Health20logoIt’s official! The waiting is over. The follow-up to the first Health 2.0 conference has been scheduled.
"Health 2.0  Connecting Consumers and Providers" will be held on March 4th, 2008 at the Westin San Diego. For details, visit the Health 2.0 site. If you’re thinking of attending, you may want to act now and pre-register.  You’ll get a friendly email from us alerting you when passes go on sale. Doing this is probably a good idea as Health 2.0 User Generated Content sold out a month before before the conference. For email updates sign up for the THCB email list.

Meanwhile, the Health 2.0 media room is now open. If you’re interested in browsing recent articles on the Health 2.0 movement, this is a good starting point. If you know of a piece that we haven’t included, drop us a note. We’ll be adding more material soon, including links to blog commentary. Also coming soon: an updated Health 2.0 FAQ, pics from the September conference, user-generated content and more. 

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