
TECH/QUALITY: More quick hits from Ix conference

Deborah Bell—Runs ovarian cancer listserv and became an in-depth patient

Alan Greene, the pediatrician who runs DrGreene.com, and gets 50 million hits a month from 2 million unique users—Money quote for doctors online and off – “You have to get to the spot where you are OK that you patient knows more than you do.”  He rewrote the Hippocratic oath because it said that physicians should NOT share information with patients!  But doctors should still take a stand and tell patients what they really think.

Don Kemper, Healthwise—Infrastructure change saves lives for average people. Water quality; seatbelts in carsthey worked for the 20th century. What about the new century? How about message systems to tell you about immunization for kids? Information to cut out unnecessary surgery? Medication adherence protocols and information for everyone?  Personalized wellness, prevention and screening for everyone? An appreciative approach to the end of life? We need to change the infrastructure so that the average person cannot avoid the Ix infrastructure!

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