
BLOGS: Report on health care blogs

Fard Johnmar has written a report on health care blogs. It’s available from his site for around $37, rather less than the $3,000 analysis Datamonitor was offering on the same topic a few weeks back. Despite the fact that my ego is still recovering from the act that in over 100 pages he only mentions THCB twice, I thought I’d let him tell you about it! Here’s Fard:

"One of the reasons that I wrote this report was to acknowledge the hard work of the bloggers who take the time everyday to collect, analyze and debate the politics, practice and social aspects of healthcare. It’s not easy, and everyone in the healthcare blogosphere deserves tremendous respect. Another reason I developed this report was to provide those of you out there looking for ways to explain the value of blogs to your colleagues, employers and others with cogent and well-referenced arguments for why blogs are a useful and powerful communications medium. However, I believe that blogs are not right for every organization, so I provide reasons not to start one. So, pick up a report, if you feel you will gain from it. Whatever you decide, lets continue having this conversation about how blogs can benefit healthcare."

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