
TECH/BLOGS: One blog collaboration effort coming right up.

Over at HealthNex, the IBM health care blog; Blogposium is a Go: April 18-19. I will not be taking part in this one, because of something I’ll tell you about later. But it looks pretty interesting. Lots of different bloggers all working on different aspects of a clinical wiki.

So here’s what’s going on: Here’s Jack Mason’s guide.

The Objective:  To help flesh out The Clinical
Informatics Wiki
with a dozen or more new entries, so that this
wikipedia-like resource will become more useful for all. The
In the next few weeks, each participating blogger will choose a
topic related to healthcare IT  (I’ll take on Biobanking, for
example) research it, and prepare a first draft for an entry in the ClinfoWiki.
Entries should include basic definitions, links to supporting material, etc.

April 18: Bloggers will post their first drafts on and all
of us, as well as all our readers, will provide comments, suggests and edits on
each other’s work. Everyone should include links at the bottom of their draft to
the preliminary drafts of fellow Blogposium participants, so that we will pass
traffic and editorial eyeballs around.

April 19: Readers and other Blogposium participants will
continue to provide input, and topic authors will  work toward second drafts
based on comments.

April 20: Blogposium participants
post their revised Second Drafts, for
inclusion in the wiki and point our collective readership to it for continuing

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