
INDUSTRY/TECH: More ways to help Katrina victims: An open source response

Healthcare IT journo Neil Versel has a podcast up on his site of an interview with Jordan Glogau, chief technology officer of Preferred Health Resources, a medical billing services company in Nanuet, N.Y., made the following suggestion:

"Why don’t people nationwide volunteer to put up servers that are running open-source PM/EMR software like VistA or ClearHealth. I am sure that what the Red Cross is doing won’t have enough resources to address all the needs of everyone in trouble in the Gulf Coast states." with some ideas about how health care IT companies can help.

HHS has a site up with instructions for volunteers and many categories of people are needed (everyone it seems apart from consultants, insurance salesmen and policy wonks) .  Go to https://volunteer.ccrf.hhs.gov/ to take a look.

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