I’m still in the UK and I may get to another post before Christmas, but then again I may not, and next week will be beyond spotty…there are a couple of articles in the queue but they may not make it out of the computer in time for 2005.
I will be writing my by now traditional end of year letter usually going out sometime next week, but that’s about personal charity and politics rather than health care, but I’ll put it up elsewhere on the web and link over to it from here.
In any event thanks for reading in 2004, and definitely check back in for 2005 on January 3rd (or the 4th if I haven’t recovered for the 3rd) and have a fun, and safe end of 2004. Happy christmas, holidays, channukah, kwanza, turkey day…..and here’s to Chelsea being top of the league on January 1! (That’s a clue as to where I’m spending December 26!)
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