
POLICY/POLITICS: Kerry’s post-convention bounce

Jones the Policy Wonk sends me these post-Convention polling numbers.

Internals from ABC poll post-convention–Kerry went from 3% ahead on healthcare to 19% ahead. (Sorry I can’t figure out an easy way to present this!)

The numbers in order are "Now" then " Pre-convention" then "Net Change" (or bounce)Trust Candidate on These Areas:Health careKerry +19 Kerry +3 Kerry +16TerrorismBush +3 Bush +18 Kerry +15IraqKerry +2 Bush +12 Kerry +14TaxesKerry +6 Bush +6 Kerry +12EducationKerry +13 Kerry +1 Kerry +12EconomyKerry +11 Bush +1 Kerry +12Health careKerry +19 Kerry +3 Kerry +16Int’l relationsKerry +9 NA NAIntelligenceKerry +5 NA NA

So the post convention bounce has the Dems massively up in their domestic strengths and even up on Iraq, Foreign relations and Intelligence. "Terrorism" remains Bush’s sole refuge and amazingly enough we get another terror warning just 2 days after the convention.

It’s hard to divine who’s going to win this thing, and it speaks volumes to the strength of the Republicans corporate/Christian right base that they’re even in the race given the state of the economy. But THCB readers should probably start imagining the possibility of a weaker than Clinton-like Democratic White House and maybe even a narrow majority in the Senate. I’ll be blogging more about that in weeks to come.

Massively off topic–I know that people don’t want to criticize the C-in-C about terrorism and I don’t hold him responsible for 9-11 but surely someone somewhere in the administration or intelligence services should be accountable for the fact that before 2001 Al-Quaeda was easily infiltrated by at least one white American and one white Australian. Yet the CIA and its sister orgs didn’t even bother to try, and we never knew what was coming.

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