
TECHNOLOGY: WebMD probs continue

I’ve blogged over time about WedMD’s role as a business (three variant parts plus a plastics company looking in vain for synergies) and it’s role as a potential analytics player. However, in its role as a claims transaction clearinghouse and processor (the former Envoy-NEIC), WebMD does not appear to be out of the woods from complaints about its inability to route and process claims.

Given that we are nine years on from Jim Clark’s vision of a transaction system in the middle of health care routing all that paper to the right place in the blink of an eye, the fact that the most hyped health care IT company of all time cannot get its systems to work is a little disappointing. Even the pessimists among us meeting Healtheon for the first time in 1995 might have hoped for a little better by now!

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